Anomaly #201



ID E002354491




ROLE Research Lead

Anomaly Grading

DOB 12/18/1984

ISS 05/01/2023

EXP 05/01/2024


HGT 175 cm

WGT 65 kg





ID E001018320




ROLE Containment Specialist

Construction Specialist

DOB 07/05/1991

ISS 01/29/2023

EXP 01/29/2024


HGT 182 cm

WGT 90 kg




FROM: G Shellenberger E001018320

TO: L Coyan E002354491

DATE: 07/05/2023

SUBJECT: Anomaly #201

Hi Lillian,

I just got an alert that we have an anomaly in holding that's been awaiting grading for 30 days, designation #201. Where are we on that?





I've just talked to my assistant, and it looks like #201 was allocated incorrectly in our system. I just marked it as grading in-progress, and we'll set to work tomorrow morning. Sorry about that.

Thank you,


P.S. Happy birthday!



ID E003821212




ROLE Research Assistant

Anomaly Grading Trainee

DOB 10/8/2000

ISS 04/01/2023

EXP 04/01/2024


HGT 180 cm

WGT 82 kg




FROM: L Coyan E002354491

TO: W Merrill E003821212

DATE: 07/05/2023

SUBJECT: Help with #201


Are you able to come in tomorrow morning? I'm seeing that #201 has been entering agitation on average twice a week since it was acquired. Protocol doesn't call for an assistant to come in to support a lead at that level of activity, but I would be more comfortable grading #201 with you present. Let me know.

Thank you,



Absolutely. I'll be there first thing. Just so I'm prepared, what's the interval between periods of agitation? How safe is it? Sorry for being so particular!

- Will


No problem at all.

Data from temp containment since it arrived shows the interval is 72 hours, plus or minus 12. Tomorrow is right in the middle of its "idle" period. Important to note, acquisition records indicate a high degree of agitation following manipulation, and it fully activated three times while being recovered. While it has not been shown to be lethal, it did injure three agents: one broken wrist, one sprained ankle, and one four centimeter-deep laceration to the arm. I'll discuss with you how #201 caused those injuries tomorrow, along with speculation on my part, before we begin studying it.

Thank you so much,



FROM: L Coyan E002354491

TO: G Shellenberger E001018320

DATE: 07/06/2023

SUBJECT: Security update for #201


My assistant and I have just dealt with an agitation period for #201. Some of its behavior did not come through in recordings, and its temporary containment needs immediate repair and alterations. We can discuss it when you come down to intake.

Thank you,



Hi Lillian,

What do you mean "did not come through in recordings"? I'll need to get things ready before I head down.




It's difficult to explain. Photos don't show the damage I'm seeing, and we've confirmed that it's truly present and not a mental effect of #201. I'll have to show you the problems personally.

Thank you,




I'm heading out now.





ID E001931115




ROLE Security Lead

Anomaly Acquisition

DOB 06/11/1989

ISS 07/15/2022

EXP 07/15/2023


HGT 198 cm

WGT 101 kg




FROM: L Coyan E002354491

TO: A Jackson E001931115

DATE: 07/07/2023

SUBJECT: Anomaly #201

Hello Mr. Jackson,

I oversee the grading of #201, a dice set acquired on June 5. We've observed some unusual behavior that wasn't noted in the acquisition logs. Specifically, we're seeing areas of some kind of gas-like substance that does not appear on camera. It gradually disappears within four hours. Are you aware of this?

Thank you,

Dr. Lillian Coyan


Dr. Coyan,

I have not observed that. I just talked with the personnel responsible for acquisition, and they did not observe that either. I reviewed the recordings and I was not able to find anything under your description through any of the recordings' available modes. I believe the standard temp containment cameras are missing a few. I've attached the specifications for our cameras in the hope that it helps your grading process.

I'm surprised you haven't checked the recordings yourself. Were they sent over?

- Alex


I can confirm they weren't sent to us. I admit I forgot the new protocol, or I would have asked my supervisor before now. Would it be possible to open them up for us down here?

Thank you!

Dr. Coyan


Of course! I just did that now.

How has your grading gone so far?

- Alex


Thank you so much. Tentatively, we're grading #201 a Class 2. Based on your copious and descriptive notes and log data (without the recordings, ha!), I suspect that human manipulation of the anomaly causes an agitation period, progressing to activation with further manipulation; we are testing that tomorrow.

Thanks for all your help,

Dr. Coyan


That makes sense to me. Please review the recordings closely. As you're aware, there's a risk of injury but it seems to be predictable.

- Alex


Of course. Thanks for the help.

Dr. Coyan


FROM: W Merrill E003821212

TO: G Shellenberger E001018320

DATE: 07/08/2023

SUBJECT: #201 Containment Repair


I am Lillian's research assistant. I performed a manipulation test on #201 today, and it led to an agitation event that physically and existentially damaged temporary containment. Lillian asked me to ask you if you can repair it or if we need to have #201 relocated to a new unit. We developed a method of photographing the auras we've seen, so I have attached pictures of the damage in question.

Thank you,




I have never seen damage like that before. I'll bring my team down, but it might end up that we have to move #201.





ID E001004208




ROLE Facility Administrator

DOB 06/09/1978

ISS 02/14/2023

EXP 02/14/2024


HGT 172 cm

WGT 72 kg




FROM: R Lyons E001004208

TO: L Coyan E002354491

DATE: 07/10/2023

SUBJECT: Anomaly #201 Transfer

Dr. Coyan,

If you remember, I am the administrator of Facility K1. I understand you are the research lead for grading your facility's Anomaly #201. I've talked with your administrator and asked if I could correspond with you personally.

Once #201 is graded, it will be transferred to my facility per my request.

Robert Lyons


Mr. Lyons,

I advise against transferring the anomaly. Movement of any kind leads to periods of agitation and activation events. Since the anomaly is already here, in my opinion it would be best and simplest to keep it here. I do not believe transporting it all the way to North Dakota by any method would be safe. The anomaly's tentative grade is Class 3.

Let me know what you think,

Dr. Coyan


Dr. Coyan,

As said previously, I've discussed this with your facility's admin. Our facility is better equipped to contain #201 than yours.

Robert Lyons


FROM: L Coyan E002354491

TO: G Shellenberger E001018320

DATE: 07/10/2023

SUBJECT: #201 Transfer?


I just got an email from the administrator of Facility K1. He says that #201 is due to be transferred there once its grading is complete. I advised him against it, but it didn't sway him. I was wondering if you would be able to convince him. Could you sign a security advisory for me?

Thank you,



Hi Lillian,

Sure. Send it right over and I'll write it for you.

Just thought I'd echo that I think it would be a bad idea to move #201. I'm sure everyone involved will agree. I'm not sure why admin OKed the transfer.




FROM: G Shellenberger E001018320

TO: W Merrill E003821212

DATE: 07/10/2023

SUBJECT: #201 Transfer?


Just heard about the transfer to K1. Do you know anything about it?



No, I haven't heard anything you haven't I'm sure. Is this kind of thing normal?

- Will

P.S. I forgot to thank you for Friday. So, thank you!


It's definitely not normal. I'm not sure why K1 wants it so badly. I've never seen a transfer order or even a request before an anomaly is graded.

And no worries about Friday. I thought you could use a night out after that agitation.

- George


FROM: L Coyan E002354491

TO: R Lyons E001004208

DATE: 07/11/2023

SUBJECT: #201 Security

Mr. Lyons,

I've attached a security advisory note signed by our head of containment.

Dr. Coyan


Dr. Coyan,

I'm well aware of the security requirements for #201. A truck is being modified to handle it appropriately.

Robert Lyons


FROM: L Coyan E002354491

TO: G Shellenberger E001018320

DATE: 07/11/2023



Mr. Lyons won't budge on the #201 transfer, but he said he is having a truck modified to transport it safely. I suppose it is out of our hands.



Hi Lillian,

I'm not surprised. On a whim I looked into Lyons and he seems to have a habit of collecting difficult anomalies. He pushed for K1 to get an expansion of containment limits and got it last year.

How close are you to finished with #201?





We have a few existential and spiritual tests to do, but I don't anticipate any issues there. Part of me wants there to be, so that Lyons is delayed.


P.S. I wonder how much of K1's funding he's wasting on assuredly repeatedly modifying that truck as my reports progress?


FROM: A Jackson E001931115

TO: L Coyan E002354491

DATE: 07/13/2023

SUBJECT: #201 to K1

Dr. Coyan,

I just heard about the transfer. I also just read your most recent iteration of the anomaly description.

I don't understand how he can ask for the transfer considering that he's definitely seen your description and the acquisition records. Can I help somehow? I'm not sure the transfer personnel will even survive the drive.

- Alex



Thank you very much for the offer, and I agree with your assessment. I can't think of anything you could do. I've already talked to admin, and he won't budge on the transfer either. I have to imagine there's some quid pro quo going on, thus I doubt anything any of us do will sway Lyons.

My research assistant had a clever idea for a way to protect individuals from the detrimental effects of #201. He hopes to be finished with it before the drivers arrive from K1 so they have some protection in transit.

Thank you,

Dr. Coyan


Dr. Coyan,

I appreciate your assistant's efforts (his name is William, right?). The drivers are actually going to be our own personnel, and I would take any help to keep my guys safe.

- Alex


Correct, William Merrill. Just to clarify, we're driving #201 to K1? Does that mean we're modifying the truck as well?

Dr. Coyan


Dr. Coyan,

Lyons had it outsourced, it's being modified only a few miles away every time you update the anomaly description. Every time. I guess the man wants to be ready.

- Alex


FROM: A Jackson E001931115

TO: W Merrill E003821212

DATE: 07/13/2023

SUBJECT: Transfer help


I heard you're working on a method to protect people from #201. Since my guys are going to be the ones driving it to K1, I appreciate your work beyond words. Is there anything I can do to help? Based on how you two have been going, I'm expecting you'll be done grading it soon.

- Alex



Thank you for the offer, and your support. It could be helpful to have some subjects to test on--that's your area, right?

- William



Absolutely. Have Dr. Coyan fill out a request and I'll fill it as soon as possible.

- Alex


FROM: W Merrill E003821212

TO: L Coyan E002354491

DATE: 07/14/2023

SUBJECT: #201 Protection Progress


I believe the device to neutralize #201's effect on living organisms will be complete on Monday. Is it possible to delay finishing the grading process until I make sure it works?

- Will


FROM: L Coyan E002354491

TO: R Lyons E001004208

DATE: 07/17/2023

SUBJECT: Class 4 Anomaly BDT-491 Transfer

Mr. Lyons,

Per our phone call, I will make sure the transfer vehicle's shielding is reduced in order to reduce weight for speed, and alerts are disabled so the drivers are not distracted.

Find attached BDT-491's full specification.

Dr. Coyan



DATE: 07/18/2023

FILED BY: Alexander Jackson, Security Lead

ID E001931115


Anomaly Transfer Vehicle T04 was modified by Anders Truck Shop in Borrego Springs, California per the instructions of Robert Lyons E001004208, administrator of Facility K1, to accommodate the special requirement of the anomaly. After it was delivered to our facility, Facility A3, the vehicle was further modified per his instructions: a total of three centimeters of shielding material were removed, and driver alerts of anomaly activity were disabled.

Additionally, grading assistant William Merrill E003821212 developed an "inversion shield" (see attached) to protect against the anomaly's detrimental effects, and the drivers, P and T (see attached), were given one each for transit.

At 10:04 AM, the anomaly left Facility A3 in Anomaly Transfer Vehicle T04. At 10:31 AM, the anomaly entered a period of agitation while the vehicle was in motion. As the vehicles anomaly alerts were disabled, the drivers did not stop to allow the anomaly to exit agitation. At 10:34 AM, the anomaly underwent an activation event, and the drivers lost control of the vehicle. Drivers P and T were injured as a result of the crash (see attached), but their inversion shields were effective in entirely negating the anomaly's effect on them. They immediately contacted me, their superior. The vehicle suffered a large amount of damage from the crash and the activation event, and the anomaly escaped through a tear in the trailer wall.

Acquisition agents were dispatched immediately (see attached), but they were not able to locate the anomaly. The anomaly's present location is unknown.